ITR4 Part A-BS - No Account Case subsection explanations

Rahul (Rahul) (46 Points)

20 July 2011  


Profile: Salary + IntraDay + STCG

I would be really grateful to you if you could explanations of these sections in ITR4.


6 In a case where regular books of account of business or profession are not maintained -furnish the following information as on 31st day of March, 2011, in respect of business or profession)    
  a Amount of total sundry debtors 6a 0
  b Amount of total sundry creditors 6b 0
  c Amount of total stock-in-trade 6c 0
  d Amount of the cash balance 6d 0


As far as I understand Amount of total sundry debtors and Amount of total sundry creditors is the amount of money given/taken from others including banks.

Amount of total stock-in-trade : would mean the value of my stocks as on 31st March 2011.

Amount of cash balance: total cash in hand + saving bank account. Would it also mean NSC + Fixed Deposit + PPF + Employee Fund etc. as well and the interest accured on them so far. This would be too much for me to calculate.

Thanks a lot :)
