If a Assesse ( may be individual / thro prctitoner) has NOT KEPT proper accounts ,and filling up IT returns by ITR-3, he is been asked In ITR-3 form, in Section P& L , item No.53-NO ACCOUNTS CASE :- FURNISH the following information for PREVIOUS YEAR2016-17 in respect of BUSINESS and PROFESSION
Appeal to RESOLVE Following AMBIGUITIES / ANAMOLIES ( being apparent from it)
1.... He is NOT KEPT any ACCOUNTS , how come It dept asks /expects him to furnish it (being not maintained)
2.. for which year -AY (FY) it is been asked -as ASSESEE ( TAX PRACTINER on his behalf) is filling it, as ALL FIGURES that been furnished( from that ITR-3)are of AY2017-18(FY2016-17),
or is expected to mentions figures of its precedent year(back year)(FY2015-16)?
3.. for what it is required? when ASEESEE VOLUNATRILY mentions that his case of NO account case