ITR3 Is audit required for my income ?

Raj Urs (Mr) (23 Points)

02 January 2022  

I would like know if audited is required for the below income. First time filing business/speculative trade income.

From property rent :
before 30% deduction:  3.2 lakhs
after 30% deduction: :  2.24 lakhs

From bank interest: 4000

From dividend:  2000

From intraday trading :
Turnover (gain 3.9 lakhs+ loss 5.85 lakhs):  9.75 lakhs
Profit/loss (gain 3.9 lakhs - loss 5.85 lakhs) : -1.95 lakhs (loss)

From STCG (shares delivery) - 13000 (loss)

Additional info:  Previous years income only from property 4 to 4.5 lakhs/year before 30% deduction.