What is return filling code of LIC agent. Is itd 13015, 09005 or something else. TIA
CA Dheeraj Bansal (Chartered Accountant) (652 Points)
22 July 2018What is return filling code of LIC agent. Is itd 13015, 09005 or something else. TIA
("Do the Right Thing...!!!")
(128101 Points)
Replied 22 July 2018
CA Dheeraj Bansal
(Chartered Accountant)
(652 Points)
Replied 23 July 2018
Sir, 13011 code may be for Life Insurance Corporation & not for LIC agent. Please reply
Dhirajlal Rambhia
(SEO Sai Gr. Hosp.)
(183881 Points)
Replied 23 July 2018
Intermediation means brokerage function which brings together seekers and providers of goods, information, money, etc.
Need for intermediation occurs due to the imperfect nature of markets and everyday situations where the complete ('perfect') knowledge about providers and seekers (and about what they seek) is not available to everyone.
Business codes series 13000 is for 'FINANCIAL INTERMEDIATION SERVICES'
I don't see LIC as intermediator !!!