I am trying to upload ITR-4 for A.Y. 2015-16, but it is not showing option to upload ITR-4 for A.Y. 2015-16. Is it showing option for A.Y. 2015-16 in drop down menu, in anybody's account?
Dipjyoti Majumdar
(CA in service & CS. dipmaj@ rediffmail.com )
(3468 Points)
Replied 07 August 2015
I also found out. Maybe the site is being upgraded or just the ITRs have been released that's why. ?
(1936 Points)
Replied 07 August 2015
I called on 180042500025 and got the below reply on my email.
Dear Tax Payer,
Thank you for contacting E-Filing Helpdesk.
As per your request, kindly delete all the temporary files from your
system, clear the cache memory and the cookies then file the Returns or kindly change the Browser and try.
Thanks & Regards,
E-Filing Helpdesk
After deleting the cookies and temporary files, I was able to upload my ITR-4.
Biswajit Mishra
(27 Points)
Replied 07 August 2015
1. I am also having same problem after generating XML file one notification is coming like
a] ''run time error '429'
b] ActiveX component cant create object''
2. while uploading it is showing try updated eexcel utility...
please help how to upload X M L file successfully
Sayan Kumar Ray
(31 Points)
Replied 27 November 2015
I am facing this problem on MS Excel when I am trying to generate a XML file of Income Tax
Runtime Error 429
Active X componant can't creat object
I am using windows XP SP2 MS Office 2007
Please Help
Thanks In Advance