In AY2019-20 ITR2, I understand that we have to declare unlisted shares, their face value and date of acquisition. I have to report unlisted shares (foreign company) of the same company purchased on multiple dates with different fair market values in FY19. I understand that we can show the Opening balance and Average Cost of acquisition to start with. However, how do I show the shares of the same company purchased/awarded multiple times at different dates in last FY? How do I show closing balance for each line item because Opening balance is shown in first row only. For example, If I got 100 shares worth 100,000 rupees in opening balance and received 150, 200 and 300 shares on 01 May 2018, 01 Sept 2018 and 31 Dec 2018 worth 150,000, 400,000 and 750,000 rupees, how do I show consolidated closing balance. All these shares belong to the same company, hence I cannot have opening balance in multiple rows. Similarly, I believe I cannot have closing balance in multiple rows (how do I show aggregated here). Any guidance will be greatly appreciated
Itr 2 - reporting of multiple purchases of unlisted shares on a company
Vikram Sharma (3 Points)
01 August 2019