nope dear,
advance tax is applicable for everyone, even one who have only salary income and in your case you are having salary + rent + interest income. so the procedure of calculation of interest and income tax is right and rectifying my mistake that
if your tax is more than Rs. 10000/- than you have to pay advance tax in 4 quarter respectively,
1st quarter starts from 1 april - 30 june and last date of advance tax payment for 1st quarter is 15 june
2nd quarter starts from 1 july - 30 sep. and last date of advance tax payment for 2nd quarter is 15 sep.
3rd quarter starts from1oct. - 31dec. and last date of advance tax payment for 3rd quarter is 15 dec.
4th quarter starts from 1jan. - 31march and last date of advance tax payment for 4th quarter is 15 march.
interest calculation method
nterest under section 234a (late filling of return from due date to date of filling, interest @ 1% per monthor part there of)
interest under section 234b ( non payment of tax, inerest @ 1% applicable from 1st day of april of the related financial year)
interest under section 234c ( defferment in payment of advance tax)
u/s 234a ( 1560*1%*8)
u/s 234b (1560*1%*12)
u/s 234c
there are 3 due dates for an individual assessee
15th sept. tax payment sholud be 30% of tax liability
15th dec. tax payament should be 60% of tax liability
31st march tax [ayment should be 1005 of tax liability
so calculation u/s. 234 c comes to
936*1%*3 months
1560*1% *1 month
kindly read this topic regarding advance tax and interest calculation
topic - /forum/re-advance-tax-calculation-10342.asp
you can also check attach file ;)