Hi Experts,
Need your help to respond to Income tax. In e-Campaign, there are two discrepancies in MF dividend, where they expect my feedback or response. This is for assessment year(2021-2022)
Query 1- Somehow the 26AS shows an MF dividend around 25K with TDS and in my return form it is missing.
What to do with it? as per sms, it's saying file revise ITR / submit online response under the e-Campaign tab on compliance tab on compliance portal
Query 2. There is a difference between 26AS and filed returns with only 15 paise, In the return file it declares more than 15 paise or rounds up. this is also with MF dividend.
What to do with it? as per sms, it's saying file revise ITR / submit online response under the e-Campaign tab on compliance tab on compliance portal
Thanks a lot in advance for the help.
Regards, Vishal Sinha