ITC credit in case of marger of partnership firms

Gangeshwar (proprietor) (136 Points)

11 August 2020  

Dear All,

Two partnership Firms got merged on 30.09.2019 and currently carrying on the business under the name of the transferee firm itself. Now the query is:

1. Will the transferee firm have to take fresh registration. There is one additional partner.Or the existing certificate will work

2. is there any time period for filing ITC 02

3. Is there any issues for availing ITC by the transferee firm, specially ITC on assets

4. In whose books ITC as on 31.03.2020 be shown. If its shown in the books of transferee, as all assets & liabilities have been transferred, will there be any problem. Even transferor firm is no longer in existence but ITC 02 has not been filed.

Please suggest.