I received an IT scrutiny notice us 143(2) in my email on 19th Dec 2017 for AY 2016-17. The content is as follows:
"This is for your kind information that the return of income for Assessment Year 2016-17 filed vide
ack. no. xxxxxxxx on 28/07/2016 has been selected for Scrutiny.
परीकण हेतु िनमनिलिखत िवषय िचिनहत है।
Following issue(s) have been identified for examination:
i. Whether the investment and income relating to securities (derivative) transactions are duly
In view of the above, I would like to give you an opportunity to produce any evidence/information
which you feel is necessary in support of the said return of income on or before 05/09/2017 at 11:32
I am confused about the notice, since the date by which I have to reply to the notice has elapsed and in my IT e-filing account there are no "e-proceedings" active. The notice is asking me to give reply using e-proceedings of e-filing account.
Also, the notice is dated 24/08/2017 and gives me time till 05/09/2017 to reply. But, I received the notice only on 19/12/2017 !
Should I reply to this notice or I can ignore it since the time period before which the notice has to be sent has expired? Will I be penalized, if I don't reply to this notice?
Please suggest.