IT(Info Technology) - What to study?

Priya (Student) (60 Points)

03 September 2014  

As per the notification given by ICAI T M L?post_id=10826&c_id=342 , in IT the study material applicable for Nov.,2014 exam is edition Nov.,13. 

Now the problem is that I have purchased module from institute and its edition is july,14 and it contains some new additons not given in nov.,13 edition. On the new edition book (july,14) , it is also written that it is relevant from nov.,14 exam onwards. Same thing is also written on nov.,13 edition.


So, I want to know that should I also study these new additions. Or study from nov.,13 edition. (On BOS Portal the study mat available is nov.,13 edition T M L?post_id=10116 not july,14 and if you go to institute only july, 14 edition is available, but this is not the problem).


Which edition is to continue for nov.,14 exam?