Hi All,
Can anyone tell, which sections under IT (Amendment) Act 2008 got changed
I. B. Nadaf (CA Final ) (70 Points)
04 April 2010Hi All,
Can anyone tell, which sections under IT (Amendment) Act 2008 got changed
(2050 Points)
Replied 04 April 2010
Check this link, a member of caclub has uploaded the changes
Rahul Bansal
(35929 Points)
Replied 04 April 2010
(38 Points)
Replied 10 April 2010
can any one send me Info TEch Act 2008 by paduka for changes...especially the Penalty and Offences chart by paduka..
Vipul Dhulla
(CA Practice )
(767 Points)
Replied 11 April 2010
Dear Professionals, Auditors, Students, Learners & Readers
Information Technology [Amendment] Act 2008 - Audio Article [Free]
Since we have received many mails & request for bringing light on amendment from students and professional. We take this opportunity to give a summary view on changes & also provide summary view section wise of complete Act
Visit : www.dhullasir.com Section : IT Act and download both PDF file and Audio mp3 file.
Kindly do spread this information for the benefit of student community at large.
for any query/suggestion kindly contact us on email info @ dhullasir.com / dhullavipul @ yahoo.co.in
All the Best.