Is there any changes in ISCA for nov 2013 exams for CA FINAL ???
Which course is applicable for nov exams ???
Jan 2013 or more latest changes
Megha Singhai (Student) (97 Points)
10 September 2013Is there any changes in ISCA for nov 2013 exams for CA FINAL ???
Which course is applicable for nov exams ???
Jan 2013 or more latest changes
CA Saneh Kumar Patni
(53 Points)
Replied 10 September 2013
For ISCA there is no changes for Nov exams.
CA Pallav Singhania
(IT System Auditor)
(33672 Points)
Replied 10 September 2013
Here is the link below for the changes and amendments..
(Chartered Accountant)
(5572 Points)
Replied 10 September 2013