can anyone join me with ISCA now
(1342 Points)
Replied 16 March 2013
In 5th Chapter in this way we do discussion
1. Definition of Risk, Threat, Exposure, Vulnerability
2. Threats to Computerised environment
3.Threats due to cyber crime
4.Risk Assessment
5. Risk management
6. Risk Management process
7. Risk management cycle
8.Techiniques of evaluation
9. Risk Ranking
10.Risk Mitigation and methods
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(1273 Points)
Replied 16 March 2013
A lean man could be overpowered by strong (threat)
Objective of this Chap-To bring down risk to an Acceptable level...
Risk Avoidance
Risk mitigation
Risk transferring
Risk Acceptance
Think of an Organization
RA=Not doing the work
RM=Putting up an Antivirus Software for a network virus risk
RT=Insurance lelo
RA=take risk
(1342 Points)
Replied 16 March 2013
A risk is the likelihood that an organization would face a vulnerability being exploited or a threat becoming harmful. Information systems can generate many direct and indirect risks. These risks lead to a gap between the need to protect systems and the degree of protection applied
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(1273 Points)
Replied 16 March 2013
Exposure if threat materialises ,the loss that organisation has to face
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(1273 Points)
Replied 16 March 2013
Threats to Computerised environment
Power Failure= power fails,business stops,Exposure= loss of business,till restoration ,Goodwill. etc
Network Failure=Will again have impact on operations...
Disgruntled Employee=Dhokebaz employee
Errors=Wrong data validation Feature will give inappopriate Info system to orgnization there by messing up business decisions.
Malicous code= virus im network
Abuse of Access preveleges by employees=A data back up centre, software organization,having in and out access to bank operations,Employee of the Software company misusing the access powers,to make temporary transfer of funds from dormant account,which remained inoperative for many years.Fraud = threat.
Natura disaster
Techonology failure
(1342 Points)
Replied 16 March 2013
The gap is caused by
a. Widespread use of technology
b.interconnectivity of systems
c.Elimination of distance, time and space as constraints
d.unevenness of technological changes
e. Devolution of management and control
f. Attractiveness of conducting unconventional electronic attacks against organizations
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(1273 Points)
Replied 16 March 2013
Threats due to cyber Crime
1)Embezzlement=simple transfer of funds to personal account
2)Fraud=ATM misuse
3)Theft of proprietart info=misuse of electronic data copywrights( Sale of Camera print movie)
4)denial of Service=Got to see
CA Saroj Kumar
(Keen to learn something new every moments)
(2588 Points)
Replied 16 March 2013