please wanted to know if fer are any amendments in isca ca final applicable for may 2013
little urgent
Prasad Jadhav (..) (63 Points)
21 April 2013hello.
please wanted to know if fer are any amendments in isca ca final applicable for may 2013
little urgent
(1344 Points)
Replied 21 April 2013
Amendments are Applicable, Check the RTPs all this amendments are Incorporated in the RTP Hence applicable
CA Akhil Mittaal
(B.Com(h), SRCC )
(2159 Points)
Replied 21 April 2013
Dear all,
Refer to my ISCA amendment notes as per ICAI.....
Thanks & Rgds
CA Akhil Mittal
Deepak Gupta
(CA Student)
(15922 Points)
Replied 22 April 2013
Extract of Announcement by ICAI for May 2013 Final Exams
After releasing the revised Study Materials/Practice Manuals of the various papers for the Final Course of CA curriculum in January 2013, we have been receiving innumerable queries through mail/telephone/e-Sahaayataa, as to whether there has been revision in the syllabus for May 2013 examination and whether only the revised materials are applicable for May, 2013 examination. In this regard, we once again reiterate that there is no change in the syllabus of Final Course. As regards revision of the Study Materials, it is a continuous process of the Board of Studies. The Study Materials are updated periodically to incorporate the latest changes in the concerned areas.
Please note that you may prepare for the examination on the basis of the earlier edition of the Study Materials and Practice Manuals, say, the January, 2012 edition. However, you must take due care to keep yourself updated with the subsequent developments in the subjects, which are reported in the monthly Students Journal “The Chartered Accountant Student”. The latest developments are also compiled in the Revision Test Papers (RTPs) for May 2013 examination.
Ankita J
(674 Points)
Replied 28 April 2013
Mr Praful Shah, amendments in ISCA are only applicable from Nov, 2012 attempt. It has been clarified by the institute that material of 2012 will be applicable for May 2013 attempt. The revised material w.e.f. jan 2013 will be applicable only from Nov, 2013. U can refer Students Newsletter. IF U HAVE CLEARED GROUP 2 THAT DOES NOT MEAN U CAN SPREAD RUMOURS.