Is Your Bio Data Making You Look Good On Paper?

CA CS CIMA Prakash Somani (Landmark Group) (23502 Points)

07 April 2009  

As you prepare / update your bio data prior to that crucial job interview, ask yourself this -

Is my resume making me look good?

Is it capable of creating a positive impression of me?

After all, it is your resume that gets scrutinized first and what is says about you to the employers often becomes the deciding factor of whether or not you will be called for the interview.

In order to move to the next stage of your job search, it is imperative to design and create such a bio data that presents your skills, past experience and suitability in the best possible manner.

Several factors play a role in achieving this -


1. Layout & Style - Select a simple yet effective layout for your resume. Each section should start out clearly and should be highlighted using borders, bold headings etc.

Each element in the resume should be organised based on its overall priority.

2. Length / Number of Pages - It is a known fact that recruiters are busy people and usually have a whole pile of resumes to scan through before making their decision. Hence, make your resume as concise as possible. A one to two page document is considered ideal. 

3. Professional Document - Your resume is a formal document that will go into the hands of prospective employers. hence, pay attention to making it every bit professional. Check and recheck for spelling mistakes, typos and grammatical errors.

4. Stay Focussed and Relevant - Highlight those jobs held that contribute the most to your present line of word and overall career growth. When writing about your accomplishments, talk about those that are most relevant to your present position and the job you are applying for. Use a combination of Industry jargons and plain English language in your resume.

5. Cover Letter - Write an impressive Cover Letter that summarizes your skills, previous experience and suitability for the job in question.

If possible, ask someone else to read through your résumé. This helps in spotting errors that you might have missed.