Is there any restriction in terms of limit of investment in case of a professional adopting 44 ada?

Dr.Jyothish Vijay (Dr) (214 Points)

11 July 2018  

I am a professional (doctor) earning professional income. My total gross receipt is <rs.50 Lac last FY. I intent to use section 44 ADA and pay tax for 50% deemed profit. Now let me state my problem via an illustration


Suppose i earned Rs.48 Lac last year. My deemed profit @ 50% would be Rs.24 lac. And therefore i would be paying tax for rs.24 lac. But can the net invested amount by me last year be say rs.30 lac? (ie bank deposits+ other investments like LIC , Mutual funds etc).

I had read through the section 44 ADA and this document as well

All those very clearly mentions that I can very well claim 50% profits under 44 ADA. Only thing unclear is that if i have investments of 30 lac, its a clear statement that I had profits above 50%....My question is whether i am under legal obligation to give taxes for my entire (>50%) profits? I know that i could volunatrily declare more than 50% profits under 44 ADA....but should i mandatorily give taxes for rs.30 lac n the above example-?-that is the question

Can i opt to keep the 6 lakhs just like that (rs.30 lac-rs24 lac)?

Of course....there is no clause anywhere that says a person in my situation needs to pay more.....that was my belief,,,But i had to ask this now....because i saw the following post elsewhere: T M L


So kindly clarify!!!