Is TDS deductable for Rent Paid to APMC

FEMSG (Business) (49 Points)

21 September 2009  

Is TDS deductable for Rent Paid to APMC ?

Finance ACT 2008: Exemption of 7.1 Clause (26AAB) has been inserted in section 10 to provide for tax exemption with respect to the income of an Agricultural Produce Marketing Committee or Board, which has been constituted under any law for the purpose of regulating the marketing of agricultural produce.income of Agricultural Produce Marketing Committee or Board
In finance year 2008-2009 (AY 2009-2010) we paid Rent to APMC (about 7 Lakh),
We have not deducted TDS on rent as APMC now under 26AAB.
Is our action is correct? Or we have to deduct TDS? Please explain.