Is sea salt better for your health than table salt?

Rajesh (Service ) (7576 Points)

12 July 2011  


It's down to taste
Sea salt may have a natural, organic appeal compared with plain old table salt.
But don’t be too quick to write off the household staple.
Sea salt and table salt are not all that different, although the differences may make foodies
want to choose one over the other when cooking.
Most importantly, when it comes to health, sea salt is about as healthy as table salt,
though it’s often marketed as a better choice.
Both types of salt are composed of two minerals, sodium and chloride in similar amounts, by weight.
For good health, adults are supposed to eat no more than 6g of salt a day, but the average consumption
in the UK is around 8.6g, and even more for men.
Too much salt in our diet is linked to an increased risk of stroke, high blood pressure and heart disease,
all major killers in this country. Switching to sea salt is unlikely to lower your risk, as it's the sodium in salt
which is thought to be behind these conditions.
The main difference between the two types of salt is the way they are
harvested and how they are processed.
Table salt is mined from underground deposits and is highly processed,
to remove trace minerals and give it its fine, uniform texture.
It usually has an anti-caking agent added, to prevent clumping and in the UK,
some brands have added iodine.
The more expensive sea salt is produced by evaporation of the salt from sea water.
It is generally less refined and so often contains trace amounts of minerals such as magnesium,
calcium and potassium. It may also contain trace amounts of iodine, but shouldn't be relied upon
as a dietary source of this essential nutrient.
You can certainly reach for the sea salt some of the time.
Its minimal processing gives the salt its characteristic rough or granular texture.
It comes in different grades of coarseness, so you can choose the one you like best.
The coarseness of the salt has no effect on its nutritional value.
If your concerns are more culinary in nature, you should know that sea salt’s subtly unique taste
comes only from the deposits left behind from its natural state, which are not processed away
like they might be with table salt.
These deposits enhance the flavour of the salt when eaten raw, such as in salads or on
roast potatoes, though they may become lost when it is used in cooking.
You might want to use sea salt for a crunchier texture or a bolder flavour,
while table salt is good for cooking dishes where the salt is not meant to be a
standout ingredient.
But none of sea salt’s natural deposits are harmful, and any taste difference
doesn’t actually matter for your health.
So it’s up to you to decide if you prefer sea salt’s taste over that of the traditional table variety.