Is my accounting method correct?

Avneesh (Student) (29 Points)

15 November 2017  

Amazon transfers the weekly amount of our sales after deducting their all fees. Amazon issues invoices for the services they provide, at the end of month. So, Amazon acts like a bank for me. So, I made following accounts.

So, I made three accounts Amazon customer, Amazon clearing account (bank), Amazon vendor.

When I make sales, I tansfer the sales amount to our amazon account:

Entry: Amazon clearing account: Credit

When Amazon tranfers money to my real bank account after deducting their fees on weekly basis

Entry: Amazon clearing account: Debit
          Real bank account: Credit

When Amazon issue invoices for their services like shipping, etc. at end of month

Entry: Amazon clearing account: Debit
          Expenses: Credit

So, is this methodology correct for online sellers?

If I have messed up somewhere feel free to ask. It will be a great help if you can verify this method and help me.
