Is Interest earned in PF account taxable after resignation and having no other job?
Shaik Sharief
(Article Assisant)
(87 Points)
Replied 04 April 2018
Any amount Deposited To PPF falls under exempt category and therefore claimed as deduction U/s 80C .
at the time of withdrawal all proceeds from PPF is also exempt provided the PPF account is not closed prematurely.
(135 Points)
Replied 04 April 2018
Shaik-ji, Rahul-ji, I want to know about PF (the account in which employer puts money on monthly basis).
I do not want related to PPF. Kindly consider it.
Rahul Prajapati
(2282 Points)
Replied 04 April 2018
1) Statutory/Public Provident Fund Interest is Fully Exempt.
2) Recognized Provident Fund Interest is Taxable in Excess of 9.5% p.a.
(163 Points)
Replied 04 April 2018