Any one Here Who Knows The timing When Results Would Be Out....
Plzzzz Post It Here ItsSelf....
Nw I Think ICAI is TAking Our Patience Test.............
Jaskaran Singh (C.A FINAL Student) (46 Points)
01 February 2010
Nw I Think ICAI is TAking Our Patience Test.............
(405 Points)
Replied 01 February 2010
well i also think so
yet now no information abt timing
best of luck
Jaskaran Singh
(C.A FINAL Student)
(46 Points)
Replied 01 February 2010
Mr. Garg R u Saying on Ur Own or IS dere Some Solid Prooof????
(CA final student)
(55 Points)
Replied 01 February 2010
Jaskaran Singh
(C.A FINAL Student)
(46 Points)
Replied 01 February 2010
Y Dis ICAI is Punishing PCC students Only.................
Now they hav announced dat result is around 6 p.m
I think HISTORY IS GOIN 2 Repeat ITSelf Again....
Kal Subah hi Aayega ab result...
HATS OFF TO LAZZY(AALSI) President For Dis................