Dear All,
Is Hyderabad is going to the center of attraction for finance related frauds.
1. Banks -
2. Software companies
3. In process of CBI........
Is all these are loosing the moral values and others.....
praveen kumar devarapalli (Managing Director) (361 Points)
18 August 2011Dear All,
Is Hyderabad is going to the center of attraction for finance related frauds.
1. Banks -
2. Software companies
3. In process of CBI........
Is all these are loosing the moral values and others.....
satish kumar voleti
(A.C.A., (ICWAI))
(1686 Points)
Replied 18 August 2011
my dear friend
it is not that hyderabad is only famous for financial frauds, whole india is facing with this problem
it is true that we getting news about the scandlings relating to financial frauds in Andhra Pradesh more these days