Is 90 days left for next 'ipcc exam' sufficient....

CA Is My Passion...... ( IPCC - Nov 2011, BCOM) (188 Points)

27 July 2011  

Hey, friends please let me know whether the time left now for the next IPCC exam , that is the remaining 3 months is sufficient to clear both the groups ,as i have just started to study.........since till now i was working in a company , as i suffered a financial problem,and now i have quit the job and preparing for ipcc nov exam,,,,,,,

This is my 2nd attempt as i could not appear for 1st attempt as i was a hospital during exams..........

But now , from today onwards if i study for 18 hours daily then is it possible to clear ipcc exam with excellence....??????

I have started to study and from since, 4 days i have completed electricity accounts , final accouts, liquidation of companies, indian contract act, amalgamation of compan ies and now i am studying negotiable instrument act.....

Tell me whether if i continue to study in this manner , then whether i would be able to complete the portion within 3 months?????????

Your opinions would really change my life............

I completely rely on your opinions....

waiting for the reply......