Ipcc result 2012_plz do not take tension !!!

Ankur Garg (Company Secretary and Compliance Officer)   (114783 Points)

02 February 2012  

How to deal with CA IPCC Result


Dear Friends,


Let me share some words at this moment. Do not worry about your results.smiley Just learn how to stay calm and relax in this kind of tensed situations. Success is not far away from you all. Success in CA Results is just a matter of time for bright and hard working students like you all.cool


Tell me one thing when blessings of your parents are with you than how can you fail?devil So there is no need to worry and just relax.enlightened


***Wish you all the Best for results***



Just to motivate yourselves kindly check this wonderful link given below:


Motivational Corner for Students


Best Regards
