Please share problems for practise from FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF ELECTRICITY COMPANIES related to prepapration of Revenue account Balance sheet etc. I hav only 1 problem of that kind in my ref book. Please help.
ALAMELU.N.N (student) (258 Points)
12 March 2013Please share problems for practise from FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF ELECTRICITY COMPANIES related to prepapration of Revenue account Balance sheet etc. I hav only 1 problem of that kind in my ref book. Please help.
(867 Points)
Replied 12 March 2013
wich reference book u r following??? i thnk in scanner u would get
siddharth jain
(ca- ipcc)
(197 Points)
Replied 12 March 2013
i think scanner and study material is more than sufficient for this topic.
PF & ESI Course - Labour Code 2019 Along with Examples and Case Studies