Is Munish Bhandari book sufficient for preparing for IPCC exams OR I have to take coaching along with it?
please help! :)
(867 Points)
Replied 07 October 2012
its mopre than enough if u good at english
Neha sharma
(1257 Points)
Replied 07 October 2012
(867 Points)
Replied 08 October 2012
(14607 Points)
Replied 08 October 2012
According to my view, If you took Munish Bhandari Book then prepare from that book only, and if not go for G.K Kapoor.
No need of coaching for IPCC Law.
Vikas Gupta
(16295 Points)
Replied 08 October 2012
ya that book is more than enough...refer practise mannual and rtp's also..
Neetika Gupta NG
(250 Points)
Replied 08 October 2012
lalam.hari babu
(Qualified cost accountant)
(77 Points)
Replied 08 October 2012
Refer RTP and Practise manual
(200 Points)
Replied 08 October 2012
AMIT KARIA's book is the best & very personalised and contians a balanced flow of basics & advanced provisions, with real book building tables.
Some striking features in Amit Karia's book not found in other books are:
1. Book Building Table alongwith practical example including price band.
2. Manner of writing case laws - Facts, Decision, Principle (sequence)
3. 67 case laws covered
4. Bonus Act - Set on , Set off table covered
5. List of important case laws & section numbers at the end of each chapter.
6. Concise coverage of Ethics & Communication
7. Best Drafts of Agreements covered in Communication.
8. Latest Stock Exchange notifications included
9. Last 6 exams solved papers.
10. It is concise yet comprehensive
Go for AMIT KARIA's LAW ETHICS & COMMUNICATION - 2012 3rd edition.
You'll come to know the difference... ALL THE BEST