guys ll i receive hall tickets by post or should i take printouts from net ????
if its by net , should i get any attestations ???
(Chartered Accountant)
(6971 Points)
Replied 13 October 2011
You must receive the hall ticket by post .
But anyways for safety purpose you can also take a print out of the admit card available in the internet.
that will be verymuch valid, take a identity card with that printout.
(14607 Points)
Replied 13 October 2011
No need to get attestation friend.
just take that print out and go to exam haal..
all the best
(3288 Points)
Replied 13 October 2011
You will receice the hall tickets from post......
Due to any reason, if you won't receive, then you can download from net.....and it doesn't need any attestion.....