I want to investment in to share market. but i have not good knowlege about share market. so please suggest me how to investment in sharmarket and wich company provide best service in this field.
Nitin Kumar Gola (Accountant Manager) (36 Points)
22 January 2014I want to investment in to share market. but i have not good knowlege about share market. so please suggest me how to investment in sharmarket and wich company provide best service in this field.
Mandar D. Rane
(CA Final & CS Executive Student)
(236 Points)
Replied 28 January 2014
I do share trading in FnO segment for a side income and earn upto 20-30K p. m. on an avg with the capital of 10,000 ...
I will b glad to guide u... U can add me in gtalk... mandar.rane.1985 @ gmail.com
Ravi Desai
(103 Points)
Replied 24 February 2014
Why don’t you invest in mutual funds? You don’t have to have indepth knowledge about share market as mutual fund is a collection of stocks or shares. Here you along with many other give your investment to a professional who invest your money in instruments as per the objective of the fund. So you get good returns even though you do not much knowledge about the market.