Inverted Tax Structure rules for Supplies through E-Commerce

Sanath Kumar S (3 Points)

22 January 2024  

A Taxpayer makes taxable supply of goods attracting 5% GST through E-commerce operators. The input being goods such as Raw material and other consumables in production attract 5% GST as well while significant portion of sale will be E-Commerce platform fee, commission and shipping charges which attract 18% GST which are input services forming almost 50% of his sale value. For e.g he makes Rs. 1 Crores sales and 5 Lakhs being Output Tax, he will have almost 50Lakhs as commission, shipping charges, and platform fee from E-commerce operator thereby leading him to pay 9 Lakhs as input tax, so will the inverted Tax structure rule for refund apply here so that he can refund the difference portion. If not, what is the alternative solution for this scenario?