Hi All,
I have just received an email from CPC Bangalore.
Subject: Intimation under section 245 of Income Tax Act, 1961
I went through some old post under the same subject and understand I need to contact Jurisdictional AO to
request for the Intimation U/s. 143. I have some questions in my mind :
1- The Demand Outstanding is 700/- for the AY 2011. And In (current) FY 2013-2014 I am expecting 10960/- to be credited in my account as refund (This amount is mentioned in ITR V form). So my question is, If I don't do anything would I get refund of balance amount i.e. 10960 - 700 = 10260/- ? Or just because I didn't reply anything I won't get any refund.
2- If I want to resolve this issue what are the documents I need to send Jurisdictional AO and CPC Bangalore? Form-16, ITR, Form 26AS for FY 2011-2012 (Outstanding demand of 700 is asked) and 2013-14 (10960/- refund is expected).
3 - Is there any way to resolve this issue online? With or without help of CA?
Please advice me what to do? Do I need to pay or i will get paid or what? Thanks in advance.
Thanks & Regards
Amit Srivastava