Intimation under 143(1) *after* 143(2)

Kumar (Others) (105 Points)

07 March 2018  


I recieved a notice under 143(2) asking me to submit proofs via eproceedings. However, subsequently when checking eproceedings, there was no link to update proofs.

I later received a reminder again under 143(2) asking to submit via eproceedings but again under eproceedings there was no link to update the proofs.

So I was planning to meet the AO. However, at this stage, I've now recieved intimation under 143(1), Indicating some errors in computation which led to slightly higher tax liability. However, this extra tax liability was adjusted against refunds owed to me. So the 143(1), basically ends up giving me a lesser refund amount.

My question is:

Given that I've recieved 143(1), does that imply the processing is complete? Or should I still follow up on the 143(2) notice sent earlier?