Intimation u/s 154 - tax reduced

Manish (Engineer) (30 Points)

07 May 2020  

I have got an email from income tax with subject: IntimationU/S 154  for AY:2019-20


And in the attached ITR-II rectified form, the below is mentioned:

Reasons for Rectification
Credit as per Form 26AS for self assessment tax paid by you and not claimed in Schedule IT/Tax payments till now is allowed in this order 
and outstanding tax payable has consequently reduced.


Can anybody please tell what am I suppose to do? I checked the 26as, &  only Rs. 6  shows in Total Tax deposited column.


Thank you.


Edit : I also noticed that the rectified PDF sent has 2 computation coloumns:

1)As  Provided by Taxpayer in Return of 
Income - in this Total tax paid is showing zero & so Amount payable is showing the aggerate liability figure.

2)As Computed Under 
Section 154 - in this Total tax paid is showing the actual amount of tax already paid by me online. So Amount payable is showing zero.

Is it be because I did not put the total tax that I've already paid in my return? So do I need to fill it?