How can i get a copy of Intimation U/s 143(1)a on income tax site for A.Y 2006-07?
(30 Points)
Replied 05 December 2012
As per my understanding, at the time of FY 2005-06 (AY 2006-07), there was no online filing of returns and therefore, the intimation u/s 143(1) cannot be obtained. Also, for the recent financial years, copy of 143(1) is not available on the website, only the demand/ refund can be found for the assignee.
Bhushan Ramani
(Chartered Accountant)
(105 Points)
Replied 05 December 2012
For intimation copy u are required to contact ur range or jurisdictional officer for the same . .
And u may get the print screen copy of the intimation for the AO by paying illegal fees