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Interview tips

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Amit Kumar Mundhra (Service) (68 Points)
Replied 18 May 2012

thanks a lot dear....

ders one thing 2 ask lik...m frm CA field working in CA firm got an interview cal from real estate through any SOURCE den how to face d interview

CA Shruti kuchhal (CA ) (427 Points)
Replied 18 May 2012

superb post dear thanx a lot


Arniv Sharda (CA Final) (3006 Points)
Replied 18 May 2012

book marked

thanks for sharin


CA Preeti Agarwal (article) (844 Points)
Replied 18 May 2012

waow !!! i think its my 3rd or 4th post in CCI and first time i got such a huge response...waaow loving it...:)
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CA Preeti Agarwal (article) (844 Points)
Replied 19 May 2012



1. Tell us something about yourself.

 Ans:- I am a person with strong interpersonal skills and an  ability to get along well with people. I enjoy challenges and looking for creative solution to problems.



Besides the details given in my application & C.V, I believe in character , values, vision & action .I am quick in learning from mistake .I am confident that various test that you have conducted will corroborate my competencies, aptitude and right attitude for the job including a good culture fit with your organization.


2. What do you seek from the job?

Ans:- You would see in my background that I have chosen to do courses which offered me a chance to do field work and thereby equip myself to be a good finance professional. I would like a job which gives me a chance to apply all that I have learned in my professional course (C.A) as well as one which enables me to grow as a professional. I

Would like a role which enables to make a difference!



A long – term ,if not lifetime carrier ,great learning opportunities, challenging roles, rational career progression ,good job satisfaction ,and opportunities to use my strength and overcome my weakness .I would also like to work for the organization that give me an opportunity to serve the organization ,the society and above all,my country.


3. How you present your strengths and weakness?

Ans:- My strength is that I have very strong values and ethics and a good eye for detail.

I believe in strong relationship and have a very supportive family and very good friends. My weakness is that I tend to take to many variant tasks and am not able to accomplish each to my level of satisfaction.



One of my weaknesses, as I perceive it, would be occasional compromise on time for quality and perception.


4. Tell us incident where you had a problem with a peer. How did you handle it?

Ans:- One example which I can cite is a problem I had with my college who was my partner in my field of work assignment. We had a disagreement on how to present a project reports. I explained my perspective to him and ask him for him view point .I have found that when conflicts occurs, it’s because of a failure to see both side of situation .At that point we found a compromise, could be reached by incorporating both our ideas.


5. If you were an animal /a can of soup /some other random object, which one would you be? And why?

Ans:- I would be a can of soup – one that has a variety of flavuors,bubbling with enthusiasm. I would associate my determined attitude with the can;s tough exterior.i would believe that whatever the label on the can, the contents are always a surprise.


6. Where do you see yourself after 10 years?

Ans:- I like to see myself at a position where I can use my creative to the best.



In an upcoming designated position in our organization where can I use my skills & knowledge to the fullest?


  7. What might make you leave this job?

Ans:- Lack of proper management and a  feel  that not satisfying by company environment.


As far as satisfaction from current job is concern I am quite happy,the reason to leave the job is that I am looking for more challenging type of work .I want to shoulder more responsibility where I can show my ability to performed my best. 

CA Preeti Agarwal (article) (844 Points)
Replied 19 May 2012

Interviewing Tips for Candidates


· Know the time and place of the interview and the interviewer's full name and title.
· Ensure that you fully understand the job descripttion of the position for which you are interviewing.
· Plan to be 15 minutes early in anticipation of traffic problems or other unanticipated delays. Also, know where you're going. If possible acquaint yourself with the route. Late arrival for a job interview is never excusable.
· Dress professionally (i.e. proper business attire).
· If presented with an application, fill it out neatly and completely.
· Ensure to shake the interviewer's hand firmly.
· Speak slowly and clearly. Don't rush your answers.
· Stress accomplishments.
· Ensure to answer every question fully and honestly.
· Don't jump ahead or give more information than is required. Pay attention to "cutoff" cues.
· Ensure you are consistent in your answers throughout all interviews.
· Don't answer with a simple "yes" or "no". Explain answers where possible.
· Avoid saying anything negative about present or previous employers or co-workers.
· Ask questions to show interest in the Company and the position.
· Ensure they know you are interested in the position; never close the door on an opportunity.
· Look alert and interested at all times and look the interviewer in the eye.
· Relax, smile and have a positive attitude. Give the appearance of energy as you walk.

(5 Step Process)

I) Chronological Outline of Career and Education

Break down your life into "segments" (i.e. university, first job, second job, etc.). For each segment, write down:

A.) why you went into the program or job;
B.) what you did when you were there; and
C.) why you left.

The chronology should flow logically and bring you to the present day. You should then write down where you want to be in the short and long term and why it makes sense based on where you've been according to your chronology. Also, write down the reasons why you would be appropriate for the job you are interviewing for and why you are interested in the position.

II) Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths: Write down 3 technical and 3 non-technical personal strengths. For each strength, document something external that proves the strength is also perceived by others as strength, i.e. you received a bonus in recognition, there were some savings achieved, you completed the implementation of a system, you met objectives, it was noted on your performance evaluation.

Weaknesses: The area of weaknesses is difficult. The way to answer any question about your weaknesses is to either:

A.) describe a weakness or area for development that you have worked on and have now overcome; or
B.) describe a characteristic that could be perceived as either a strength or a weakness.

III) Questions to Ask

It is important to ask a lot of questions both throughout the interview and at the end of the interview when interviewers generally ask if you have any questions. Therefore, you should prepare a list of 5-10 technical and 5-10 non-technical questions and memorize them before the interview. Do not inquire about salary, vacation, bonuses, or other benefits. This information should be discussed with your recruiter. 

Sample Questions:

· Could you tell me about the growth plans and goals for the company/ department/division?
· What needs to be accomplished in this position in the next 6-12 months?
· What skills are important to be successful in this position?
· Why did you join this company?
· What types of systems do you use throughout the company/department/division?
· Why is the position available?
· What made the previous persons in this position successful/unsuccessful?
· To where have successful people in this position advanced?
· What criteria will my supervisor use for my performance evaluation and how frequently, and in what manner, will my supervisor and I meet?
· How do you (the supervisor) like to operate in terms of assignments, delegation of responsibility and authority, general operating style, etc.?
· What long and short term problems and opportunities do you think my prospective area faces?
· With whom will I be interacting most frequently and what are their responsibilities and the nature of our interaction?
· What particular things about my background, experience and style interest you?
· What experience, training, attributes, operating style, accomplishments and personality factors should the "ideal" candidate for the job have?
· Is there anything in my background or experience to prevent you from considering me as a viable candidate?
· What else can I do to get a job offer from your company?
· What is the time frame for making a decision on this position? 

IV) Questions You Should Be Prepared For

What do you know about our company?
Why do you want to work here?
Why are you looking to change positions?
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
What do like most and least about your current position (or supervisor)?
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
What are the best and worst things your boss would say about you?
Name 5 adjectives that would best describe you.
What are your concerns in your current situation and what would you improve?
How have you changed or improved the nature of your job?
Why should we hire you?
What can you do for us that someone else can't?
Why did you choose this particular vocation?
What contributions to profits have you made in your present or former positions to justify your salary level there?
What do you think determines a person's progress in a good company?
Behavioral questions: i.e. Tell me about the time that you were most successful in dealing with a difficult client? or Give me an example of a time when you had to get something accomplished with someone whom is a bit more difficult to get along with.


Answers To Some Difficult Questions:

How much money do you want?
· Only indicate what you are presently earning and that salary is one of several factors you are considering. Emphasize that the opportunity is the most important consideration.

Tell me about yourself.
· Emphasis on your recent experience is most important; however, brief coverage of previous experiences and education can also be useful.

What are some situations in which your work was criticized?
· Give only one or two examples and emphasize how you addressed the criticism and how it is now not a problem. Ensure that you show you are open to constructive criticism.

What do you think of your boss?
· Create a positive image, even if this is not the case.

How long would it take you to make a meaningful contribution to our company?
· Realistically speaking, experience and requirements of the job will influence your making a meaningful contribution.

Why haven't you found a new position before now?
· Explain that finding the right job is more important than just finding a job. This can be a difficult task as the current economy may be a factor.

Why were you laid off?
· Be as positive as possible. Do not discuss interpersonal conflicts, regardless of how sympathetic the interviewer may seem. Discuss economic conditions. Do not go into much detail unless asked.

Why should we hire you? or Are you interested in this job?
· Explain why this is a logical position for you, sum up your work history and re-emphasize your strongest qualities and achievements. Above all, let the interviewer know that you will be an asset to the company.


You should find out as much information on the Company and the interviewers as you can. The best sources are the public library, the Internet (you should check if the company has a home page) and your recruiter. If you get to your interview early, you should read any brochures they may have in the reception area. Another thing you may do is review any articles or books on interviewing.


1. Poor presentation.
2. Lack of a firm handshake.
3. Being unprepared for the interview, i.e. little or no knowledge of the company.
4. Poor expression of thoughts, including incorrect grammar.
5. Not asking questions about the job.
6. "Superiority complexes" and "know it all" attitudes.
7. Indifference or lack of enthusiasm.
8. Being evasive, nervous and lacking in confidence.
9. Lack of career direction - undefined goals or purposes.
10. Candidate is too interested in compensation factors.
11. Overaggressive, overbearing or conceited behavior.
12. Speaking unfavorably of previous employers.
13. Lack of courtesy and maturity.
14. No appreciation for the value of experience.
15. Not looking the interviewer in the eye.


If you are interested in the position, ask for it or ask for the next interview if the situation demands. You might say something like: "Mr./Ms. Employer, I am very impressed with what I've seen and heard here today and am confident that I could do an excellent job in the position you've described to me. When might you be in a position to make an offer?" Your enthusiasm should make a favorable impression.

If you are made an offer, accept it only if you are ready. You don't have to accept the offer on the spot.

Don't be discouraged if no definite offer is made or specific salary discussed. The interviewer will probably want to communicate with your recruiter first or interview more applicants before making a decision.

Thank the interviewer for his or her time and consideration of you. If you have answered the two major questions in his mind: a) Why are you interested in the company?; and b) What can you offer?, you have done all you can.



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Monika ( ) (87 Points)
Replied 19 May 2012

thanks for sharing...really helpful post

Prasad Laulkar (Accounts Manager) (21 Points)
Replied 19 May 2012



ashish agarwal (article clerk) (53 Points)
Replied 19 May 2012

Thanks preeti Agarwal.....if i wll get any jobs then i wll let you knw 1st

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Harish Upadhya (CS, CWA student) (303 Points)
Replied 19 May 2012

Nice topic. Thanks for sharing.

harish .k (STUDING) (306 Points)
Replied 19 May 2012

Very good explain... thanks for sharing

CA Preeti Agarwal (article) (844 Points)
Replied 19 May 2012

Job Interview Follow-Up Do’s and Don’ts

The different interviews might be over but that does not mean that you can sit back and cool your heals. The job offer letter is not going to find your address simply because you had a successful interview. You should consider the below mentioned strategies and rules as part of the job interview follow up task.

* Once the interview is complete you can approach the interviewer or the recruiter as to when they are likely to make the hiring decision.

* You will need to be proactive and job interview follow-up is a strategic that you will have to practice as part of your job search process. By doing a follow-up the employers know that you are interested in the job.

* These follow-up methods are a good way to display your enthusiasm and desire to get the job but at the same time you do not want to sound desperate to get hired.

* You should have the correct names & titles of each person who interviewed you. (If possible then try and get a business card of all the interviewers.)

* Another good idea to reach to the interviewers is to write an individual thank you letters or notes inside 2 business days. The matter of each letter can be similar but still some part while addressing the interviewer should have a personal touch. Even if you feel you do not stand a chance at bagging the job you must send and thank you note.

* A typed thank you note would be more suitable as compared to a hand-written one but what more important is please do not make any grammatical errors. Also choose a mode of sending the letter which will have the letter delivered to the interviewers’ desk. It could be fax, email or snail mail.

* Your thank you letter can contain words of appreciation towards the recruiter or interviewer for considering you amongst the candidates for the job vacancy and also add a note on why you are the most suitable person for that job.

* Send alert messages to your references informing them that they can expect phone calls from the employer.

* During this time before you receive a job offer confirmation its highly important that you continue in your search for a new job. If you have given an interview elsewhere and receive a job offer confirmation letter then you would have to take a final call.

* In case the hiring process is taking longer than expected then you need to be patient.

* If the employer tells you that they have you in mind and ask you to call back in a few days or a week’s time then you should follow up accordingly. Call only when they have asked you to, do not be a drag and annoy the employer.

* What you need to have in mind is that there are always opportunities for the right person, instead of fretting that you did not get the job concentrate on improving on the points that probably cost you the job.

The organization is looking for competent candidate to fill the job, they are looking for people who can multi task and perform under pressure circumstances. How you respond to adverse situation is also counted as is your experience, skill and abilities. In case you are lacking in any field then it’s time that you address your own shortcomings and then prepare to apply for the job you want for yourself.

CA Preeti Agarwal (article) (844 Points)
Replied 19 May 2012

These days companies are always introducing newer interview modules as they attempt to find newer ways to find chinks in the amour of the candidates thus giving them more reasons to disqualify that particular candidate. Companies are going in for a different set of interviews that would enable them to judge interviewees on the basis of skills and expertise for that particular job vacancy. Group panel interviews in another of the frequently used interview structures used by organizations to judge interviewees.

GROUP INTERVIEW – The group interview is an interview where a batch of interviewees are interviewed and/or observed by a select panel of interviewers. A group interview usually takes place when there is a walk in interview where a company is setting up a new facility like a BPO center or call center. The company needs fresher so they will usually give an advertisement in a local newspaper announcing a walk in interview. There are probably hundreds of candidates all looking for a job that reach the venue where the interview is going to be held. Then a group interview is held with the aim of taking in interested candidates while those who do not meet the minimum standards or find that they do not want such a job can leave.

Thereafter starts the actual interview process, group interview is carried out to see how different candidates who have not meet each other before talk and interact with the remaining candidates in that particular group. During the group interview candidates are given a simple response based questionnaire and they have to give responses. Here below are some tips that can be helpful when facing a group interview and also a basic guideline how your response must be when answering the questionnaire.

Firstly you must be able to understand whatever the discussion is going on during the group interview. Whatever topic is assigned you must have a positive opinion and contribute to the discussion in a healthy manner. This not a place to voice your dissatisfaction or voice your grievances of any nature, if you can influence the discussion in a positive and help give direction to the discussion then that would help your job prospects. Interviewers want to see how well you handle team work plus they judge you for your problem-solving skills.

During the course of the interview do not even initiate a discussion where you are trying to prove you are better any those in that group. Get along well with all candidates in that group and focus on giving your best.

PANEL INTERVIEW – This interview can be a little intimidating for some as an interview panel sits down to carry out the interview. The interviewers can be from the company that you have applied a job in or may be professional interviewers called upon specifically to conduct the interview.

Mostly interviewees are told that they would be called for a panel interview and some details like there would be more than one person in the interview are shared. However there is no obligation on the part of the company that they must share such information with the candidates. Once you are in the interview hall the panel of interviewers would fire questions at random to you. Questions can be related to the job, or they may be about your personal interest or why you left your last job.

Do not lose concentration, first make eye contact with the interviewer you would like to answer and begin your response. Do not make hurried answers, instead be calm and go about answering each question in manner that explains them well and to the point.

Surely both the group and panel interviews can be tough but then interviews are never designed to be easy. It all about companies trying to select the best person for that vacancy or job and if you think you are good for that job then all you need to do is prove and show that to them.

CS,CA F,Numrologi TusharSampat (CS CA F Numerologist Astrologer Graphologist Face reader Vastu Expert)   (85930 Points)
Replied 19 May 2012

This is one of the best article i have evr read on prepaeration of interviews and related issues.

Salute to the author for trying to cover the maximum possible areas of it.Pls continue doing dis humble work of helpin each other on dis unique platform.

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CA Preeti Agarwal (article) (844 Points)
Replied 19 May 2012

Hey friends i had bit of these collection which i shared with you all :)

Also check my note on COMPANY AUDIT.

Connect to Me and my page at Facebook !!!


Thanks hope u find those useful !!!

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