International Conference - Winds of Challenges - Global Stra

CA. Rajeev Aggarwal (Chartered Accountant) (3424 Points)

30 April 2009  
In celebration of the Diamond Jubilee Year, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India is organizing an International Conference on the theme 'Winds of Challenges - Global Strategies for Accounting Profession' from July 3-5, 2009 at Hotel Jaypee Palace, Agra.
As the world veritably transits to being 'Global Village'; the accounting profession, as an integral instrumentality in the process of transition, has witnessed a paradigm change in its contributory role in every sphere of the transformation; financial reporting being core to every sphere of economic activity. The shift in the business philosophies due to dawn of a new trade order further emphasizes a broadened role for the accountancy professionals as strategy formulators and facilitators.
Moving to such role of a value creator, the Institute has endeavoured to imbibe the best practices globally and has been playing the role of an enabler by getting its 150K strong membership base to acclimatize themselves with such practices. What classically holds out for the accountancy profession is the universal lexicon, which is a common thread for accountants across the globe. One sees the emergence of shift to convergence program in technical standards globally and the instant International Conference titled "Winds of Challenges - Global Strategies for Accounting Profession" eloquently epitomizes the same.
This Conference will dwell on the topical issues related to Governance, Financial Engineering, Regulatory Compliance, Value Creation, Corporate Social Responsibility and alike. We may add here that the International Conference would be joined by renowned experts in the area of accounting, auditing and management from IFAC, CAPA, IASB and other international bodies including leaders from Trade and Industry in India expected to do the honours at the Conference. There would be special session/(s) focussing exclusively on Environmental Issues and the role of profession thereat in tandem with ICAI's thinking to be a valuable partner in the steps being initiated for the cause of a Green Environment and the accounting and related issues thereat. The Conference will have 18 CPE hours credit.
Coinciding the Conference, there would also be Go Green Run involving people from all walks of life for the sake of environment. Further, there would also be cultural extravaganza involving renowned artists of different fields.
Programme, other details including for the sponsorship, site-seeing and registration form are available at the website of the Institute at Further, for your convenience, the registration form and the sponsorship details are also enclosed for your kind reference and use please.
The presence of the distinguished Indian and international personalities will be an apt occasion to savour and get enlightened from their erudition.  Opportunity is also at hand to have a tete-a-tete with the leaders of the profession from across the globe and be guided on a range of core professional accountancy issues and also on the themes of governance, corporate social responsibility, cross border services and, above all, the avowed role of professional accountants in the evolving dynamic context.
It is an opportunity which no thinker or doer associated with the accounting profession can afford to miss. The Conference presents a matchless forum for the exchange of ideas amongst renowned accounting experts, international doyens from the field of finance and corporate honchos.  The Conference provides an excellent platform for ICAI Members, those working in Corporate Sector and Academia to upgrade themselves on emerging paradigm.
In view of stature of the events and the opportunity(ies) available for likely value addition for participants at large at the said International Conference and opportunity of interaction with accounting experts throughout the world; ICAI recommends this Conference to be attended by all who wish to update themselves on emerging paradigm.
Looking forward to your kind participation at the above said Conference and other events.
Yours sincerely,
(CA. Uttam Prakash Agarwal)   (CA. Amarjit Chopra)            (CA. Anuj Goyal)
President, ICAI  &                    Vice-President, ICAI &         Central Council Member, ICAI &                                   
Conference Chairman               Conference Vice-Chairman   Conference Convenor