CS,CA F,Numrologi TusharSampat
(CS CA F Numerologist Astrologer Graphologist Face reader Vastu Expert)
(85930 Points)
Replied 12 August 2014
Follwoing are just a sample :
1. your exp till now in internal auditing
2.whther u have done for any listed co or not?
3. questions on listing agreements
4.Standards on Internal auditing (SIA) which u can get from icai website under resurces head.
5.Accounting standards & auditing standards indepth knowledge required.
6.Guidance notes on audit and accounts aspects
7. compnaies act 2013 - major sections on directors, auditors and other imp sections.
(27 Points)
Replied 12 August 2014
(chartered accountant)
(184 Points)
Replied 12 August 2014
CS,CA F,Numrologi TusharSampat
(CS CA F Numerologist Astrologer Graphologist Face reader Vastu Expert)
(85930 Points)
Replied 12 August 2014
dont underestimate ur exp just have confidence and have updated knowledge rest u can handle .all the best
CS,CA F,Numrologi TusharSampat
(CS CA F Numerologist Astrologer Graphologist Face reader Vastu Expert)
(85930 Points)
Replied 12 August 2014
you are welcome...............................................................................................................
PF & ESI Course - Labour Code 2019 Along with Examples and Case Studies