Interest under section 234

Ashok Monga (Adviser) (161 Points)

31 July 2012  

LTCG  @ 20%  Rs. 1526807.40  Return filed on 14/07/2012

If one has to pay LTCG of Rs.1526807.40

What wiil be Interest u/s 234B   @         from        to          

What will be Interest u/s 234C  @       from         to

The amoint given is LTCG

The property was sold on 16/5/2011.  Against this property two properties acquired on 25/5/2011 and12/5/20110   Assuming that only one property is elegible i.e. bought on 25/5/2011, the tax amount is worked out to be paid in a day or two.  My question is how much wii be the interest u/s 234 B & C payable. Refund of 18217 is due on other savings, house income bank interest will I get to reduce the tax liability.