I had made a payment on 02-08-16 on which tds was deducted and deposited on 12-08-16. Can you please clarify as to why interest @ 1% for a month was charged on filing my tds return, when both the events happened in the same month?
anonymous (proprietor) (248 Points)
26 December 2016I had made a payment on 02-08-16 on which tds was deducted and deposited on 12-08-16. Can you please clarify as to why interest @ 1% for a month was charged on filing my tds return, when both the events happened in the same month?
Dhirajlal Rambhia
(SEO Sai Gr. Hosp.)
(178226 Points)
Replied 26 December 2016
POT is not just payment date, but on date of service received/ bill raised.
(248 Points)
Replied 28 December 2016
The service was received and the bill was also raised on on 02.08.16 (same date as the payment was made), but the tds amount was deducted on 12.08.16 and deposited on 12.08.16. If the events happened in the same month and there was no delay in payment, why was interest charged @ 1% for a month.