Please give following latest details about the lender of loan and reply to my email address ifaimad @ since this is private information and disclosing it on a public forum would attract legal penalties:
1. Paid-up share capital
2. Free reserves
3. loans and investments made so far to other bodies corporate
4. security and guarantees given in respect of other bodies corporate
5. details of loan to be provided now.
6. if the lender has defaulted in repayment of loans/interest taken from a Public Financial institution
Is this New Pvt Ltd co. a subsidiary of the unlisted Public ltd co?? What is the nature of these 'sister concerns'? Is it a holding-subsidiary relationship. If subsidiary, is it wholly-owned subsidiary???
Also provide details of how many directors are common, since there would be a problem of interested directors being more than non-interested directors.
Again , please dont bring this information on this platform , send an email, i will consider your info in light of various legal provisions and give you an informed answer.
Thanks and Regards