Let us take an example:
purchases 10,000
Sales 50,000
Finished goods 20,000 (10,000 purchased inventory and 10,000 to finish production)
Other expenses=20,000
Grossprofit= 30,000₹
Net profit= 10,000₹
if 5,000 goods are damaged, gross profit will increase by 35,000₹ And net profit by 15,000 due to inventory write off in the balance sheet.
so the loss should be shown as 5,000₹ as expenses and the gross profit will be 30,000₹ with Net profit as 10,000 back again.
Sales 50,000
-COS (20000-5000 damage)
gross profit 35,000₹
-Other expenses 20,000
- Damage 5,000
Net Profit= 10,000.
What is the difference? There is no loss recognised here. So adjustments to COS is not required to get the real loss on net income.
This makes it
Sales 50,000
- Cos20,000
Gross profit= 30,000
- other expenses 20,000
-damage 5,000
net profit= 5,000₹
So there is a method here which defines cost of inventory as purchase cost+conversion cost= 20,000₹ above. So subtract purchases from it and COS = 10,000. Simple.
sales 50,000
Cos (10,000-5000)
gross profit= 45,000₹
Other expenses (20,000)
Net profit 25,000
In this method COS simply adjusts for damage loss.
Finally we have to understand the formulas for cogs. You might be confused as to why should Purchases be cancelled against cost of inventory? Think about it yourself and you will understand it mathematically yourself.
Have a nice week end.