Is our institute material for Strategic Management & Information Technology enough for exam preparation? or any other material to be reffered ????
Swathi hebbar (CA Final) (257 Points)
17 June 2012Is our institute material for Strategic Management & Information Technology enough for exam preparation? or any other material to be reffered ????
(205 Points)
Replied 17 June 2012
well Institute material on Strategic Management & Information Technology is really good. In this exam you have to use theexact terms. I know its boring. but you can score really good from this.
CA Hemang Shah
(658 Points)
Replied 18 June 2012
(B.Com , CA Final)
(657 Points)
Replied 20 June 2012
Use notes of BVN Rajeshwar Sir......Its very good
PF & ESI Course - Labour Code 2019 Along with Examples and Case Studies