Inspiring thoughts!

Sushil (CA Final Student) (2571 Points)

12 April 2010  


                                                                Concern for others-EDISON

The greatest scientist of  the 19th century Thomas alva Edison had just  found that the electric bulb can be made with the help of a tungsten wire and he had made one with great effort and on a particular day he was to demonstrate it to the public. On the previous day many prominent men visited him to know what it is all about. So everytime a person arrived Edison would ask his assistant to bring the bulb and then keep it back in the shelf . Many times this happened and unfortunately one time when that asst was returning  the bulb back to the shelf it fell down and broke. all the persons around got wild and even were ready to beat him up. But Edison was very calm and he said ‘let us not go home tonight and will make a new bulb .

The  new bulb was ready. Out of exhaustion the assistant had dozed off. Once the bulb was ready Edison asked his friends to wake up the assistant and to their dismay gave the bulb to him and asked him to keep it in the cup board.

When all of them raised a storm Edison calmly said ‘ if the bulb is broken we can always make a new bulb but if the youngman’s confidence is broken we can never repair it.

How  very thoughtful and very considerate too.  More than the scientific bulb which has brought about a revolution Edison ‘s this quality of mercy shines even more brightly.

                                                                Self confidence-BHARATHI YAR

Once gandhiji had come to mds and was staying in rajaji’s house where chola hotel stands today. All great leaders were sitting around him and  suddenly a person in a turban entered after managing the guards who tried to stop him . he went straight to gandhiji’s diwan and sat next to him. Ganshiji asked what was the matter. That person asked ‘ we are having  a meeting on the beach this evening . will you be able to come and address the gathering. Gandhiji turned to mahadev desai who was his asst. and he said already they had another prg. Fixed. When gandhiji told this, that young man stood up. Folded his hands and conveyed his best wishes for bapuji’s movement and left like a storm.

When asked who he was rajaji told that it was Subramanya Bharathiyar the national poet of tamilnadu.

Gandhiji replied he is a rare person and he should be protected well.

                                                                                Part 2

                                                                FAILURES ARE  STEPPING STONES

The greatest scientist of the 20 the century ALBERT EINSTEIN was not successful in his polytechnic entrance. Instead of losing heart he found out the reason that his lack of memory was the cause. So he decided to improve his memory and we all know how successful he was later on. So we should analyse and find out the reason for failure and try to overcome them.

Srinivasa ramanujan failed in his intermediate exam at kumbakonam and his father sent him to pachaiappa’s college in madras and where he failed a second time and then his father sent him privately for the same exam where once again he failed. His strength was maths and there is no one to parallel to him till date. He was awarded doctorate in maths by Cambridge university. So it is important to identify one’s strength and proceed in the right direction.

                                                                PATIENCE AND PERSEVERANCE

A britisher came to a village in covai long back in his motor cycle. as it was the first time the villagers were  seeing a vehicle of that sort that they were all starring at it. One young man alone was different and he decided to make money and buy a motorcycle. He took up a job in a small hotel and worked there for 3 yrs saving all his salalry and at the end of 3 yrs went to the britisher and explained to him how he had made the money and asked him to sell the vehicle to himself. The britisher was surprised to see the attitude of the young man and sold it to him for a nominal price. This young man brought  it home and did not venture out riding it but started dismantling it to find out the secret of its functioning.

He was none other than  G.T NAIDU  who later a became a great scientist of India.

                                                                                Part 3

                                                                HARD WORK,POSITIVE THINKING

Benajamin franklin a great scientist was put in school in the 1st std. in 3 months looking at his intelligence he was promoted to 2nd std and then in the next 3 months he was promoted to 3rd std. but beyond that he could not study as his father could nt afford as he belonged to a family of 17. So he started helping his father in his job.

But owing to his hard work he invented the lightning conductor and he was also involved in politics. He was selected as 1 among 3 persons who designed the American constitution.

Russian leader Lenin faced incredible problems in his childhood but he surfed over all grief to emerge as one of the greatest leaders the world has ever seen.

                                                                ADVERSITIES TURN INTO OPPURTUNITIES.

The greatest musician ever, BEETHOVAN lost his power of hearing and we all know how important it is for a  music composer. He composed his first symphony and demonstrated it in front of a huge audience who were thrilled and gave a standing ovation at the end of the prg. . neither could beethovan hear the applause nor the words of praise. Wasn’t it a remarkable offering to the creator!!

Helen keller lost her power of sight, hearing and speech at the age of 1 and ½ yrs. With the help of the one wonderful human being ms. Sullivan she could learn a great deal of biology, physics. English, philosophy and what not. She strived to hard to get a recognition for the visually challenged. She is the author of a few a books also.

A girl threw a marble,a banana peal and a mango seed into the slush. The marble remained just the same and the banana peal decayed soon but the mango seed took advantage of the moisture and started sprouting. It grew into a beautiful mango tree which could be useful to so many.