Output gst - input gst = Gst payable
When you make a purchase, transaction is
Purchases Dr
Cgst Dr.
Payables Cr.
So does it mean that CGST debit balance is current asset or expense? Similarly for sales CGST is credit, then is it a liability?
Yasaswi Gomes new (Finance ) (4545 Points)
29 December 2022Hi
Output gst - input gst = Gst payable
When you make a purchase, transaction is
Purchases Dr
Cgst Dr.
Payables Cr.
So does it mean that CGST debit balance is current asset or expense? Similarly for sales CGST is credit, then is it a liability?
prasad Nilugal
( GST Practitioner & Accounts )
(14846 Points)
Replied 29 December 2022
Yasaswi Gomes new
(Finance )
(4545 Points)
Replied 30 December 2022
Great. So CGST debit from purchases entry is a current asset and CGST credit from sales entry represents a liability.. in the year end before paying taxes, we do output minus input cgst and that's current tax payables. When ITC = tax payable (output gst - input gst) why is ITC under current assets?
prasad Nilugal
( GST Practitioner & Accounts )
(14846 Points)
Replied 30 December 2022
Operating period of an Assets, usually within one year will be treated as Current Asset, So Input Tax credit which is benefit to business may or may not be available at the end of the year but it's Asset to business for current period, so it's current Asset .
prasad Nilugal
( GST Practitioner & Accounts )
(14846 Points)
Replied 30 December 2022
I have seen lots of business entitles showing Input CGST , SGST and IGST under Duties & Taxes , Lability side Balance sheet , May not be correct , but useful for Calculation .