input b/f of VAT IN GST
Deepak Kumar (25 Points)
07 April 2017I am traders purchase goods from manufacturer we pay VAT + EXCISE BUT WE TAKE INPUT OF VAT. NOW WE CAN TAKE INPUT ( VAT + EXCISE) OF CLOSING STOCK AS ON 30 JUNE 2017
Deepak Kumar (25 Points)
07 April 2017The closing balance of Input VAT Credit available on the last day, prior to the date on GST is implemented, can be carried forward to GST. Carried forward of VAT Input credit will be treated as SGST Input Credit under GST regime. The closing balance of credit should be shown in the last return of VAT. The carry forward is allowed only if such types of credit is also admissible under GST Act
(chartered accountant)
(67 Points)
Replied 08 April 2017
(47 Points)
Replied 08 April 2017
Umang Sir ,
The GST credit would be avilable based on the last returns uploaded . As the assesse is not registered under excise and have not filed Exice return ,the input for Excise would not ne eligibe as per my understanding.
(chartered accountant)
(67 Points)
Replied 08 April 2017
Dinesh Singh
(47 Points)
Replied 11 April 2017
ITC VAT as on 30.06.17 shall only be eligible to avail credit not Excise. But when Excise shall be transformed in GST thereafter you would be able to get the Input Credit.