Dear pcc students,
Have u noticed that with the introduction of ipcc sylabus, they have made articleship mandatory for 3 years for ipcc students. but we all know that we have to do 3 and half year articleship. we should also notice that in the earlier pe-II syllabus the articleship was 3 years.
Even though if we convert it to ipcc we have do 3 1/2 years of articlehip. foolish is it. and the ipcc students can give the final exam during the last 6 months of articleship whereas we have to fully complete the articleship and then give the final exams. Means at total we have been made to extend our dream to 1 year. this is a huge period in this world competition. I dont want to blame Ipcc people but when it comes to career we should be selfish.
please give mails to the institute and put pressure on them, i assure you that definately the institute will come with the solution.