Hello everyone, I have qualified my CA in the year 2012 and after working for 3-4 years i am not happy with my work. I have done my articleship from mediocre firm in Delhi where i have done all types of works including International Taxation, ROC and some transfer pricing also besides normal audit & taxation.
In initial years of my passing CA i thought of going in transfer pricing and some specific areas but could not grab the opportunity. So, i worked in a Japanese company where i have lead finance & accounts team and handled all types of work which are there in industry but after one and a half year missing of ERP environment lead to another company where i worked in Oracle with MIS, Finalization of Balance Sheets and accountant type of work like dealing with vendor issues for payments, mistake in TDS Certificates with basically focussing on AP.
Now i am dissatisfied with all this and do not want to make my career in accounting sector only like MIS and doing all sorts of thing what i am doing.
I have joined corporate sector so that i can get some time to build my practice and if looks good to build a career in itself but do not want to do such stuff when i have my knowledge and experience with me. This type of work could be done by normal accountant also.
So, my friends advise me please which area should i choose.