I guess that you want to know the procedure and regulation regarding the Industrial training.
Eligibility- If you have passed PE-2/PCC/IPCC and completed atleast 2 yrs of your A'ship under PE-2 and IPCC and 3 yrs under PCC.
Where to apply-Companies within the meaning of Co. Act,1956 enggaed in Manufacturing or rendering , providing Financinal or other services with a benchmark to any of the following-
1.Having a Turnover of Rs.10 crores or more
2. The Net value of Fixed Assets is Rs.1 crore or more
3.The Paid up sh capital is Rs. 50 lacs or above.
ICAI has notified such companies region wise , but they have given a short list and you can also undergo Ind trainingin any other co meeting any of the above benchmarks.
Time Period-At least 9 months and maximum 12 months.