i want to know what is industrial training...?
i have heard about it...but wanna know..what it actually is
Atul Agarwal (article) (35 Points)
07 December 2012i want to know what is industrial training...?
i have heard about it...but wanna know..what it actually is
Neha sharma
(1257 Points)
Replied 07 December 2012
in the last year of articleship, you can do your articleship in a company..
Kunj Shah
(Article Trainee)
(24 Points)
Replied 07 December 2012
Nikhil Kothari
(CEO at Sequinox Business Advisories)
(4671 Points)
Replied 08 December 2012
Approved Institutions for Industrial Training...
Follow below link...
Nikhil Kothari
(CEO at Sequinox Business Advisories)
(4671 Points)
Replied 08 December 2012
From below link you can download the rules regarding Industrial Training..