Can Someone advise as to wht is Industrial Training and wht is procedure to get in to it please advise , please email at : cakunalca @
Deepak Jain Now CA + CS
(AM in TCS CA, CS)
(362 Points)
Replied 09 January 2009
An Articled Assistant who is serving his last year of articles can adopt for industrial training in the organistaions registered with institute or any other organistion which satisfies the criteria specified.
Mininmum period of training - 9 Months ;
Maximum Period of training - 12 Months,
For detailed information visit institute's website . In that go to students - regulatory- industtial training
Ashish M
(Chartered Accountant)
(2731 Points)
Replied 09 January 2009
usually an article is required to work in a C.A. firm for the completion of the training.......
but in u can very well, out of the total perid of 3 yrs. of the last one year in the industry......i.e. in any the first two years u hve to be engaged in a C.A. firm and the last one yr. u hve the option of engaging in a company just like an employment........althoough u will hve bettter stipend there.......